pr09re55, the new sustainable omniwear brand by Zita Mészáros

Designer | Zita Mészáros
Model | Meg Fuji
Production, direction & editing | by me

Initially imagined for the kundalini community, but applauded by a wider audience for its timeless, versatile elegance, pr09re55 is an ecologically, socially and ethically conscious clothing line founded in 2019 by Zita Mészáros. Sustainable and stylish, easy to take care of, pr09re55’s innovative and sustainably sourced fabric, saolon is a tree derivative originating from Japan. After the pulp is harvested, the implementation of technological measures further enhances and accentuates the natural resilience of this multifunctional, highly durable material. The finished yarn is then transformed with pr09re55’s quintessential feature: pleats.

The pieces are refined and minimal. The complexity of their design and the painstakingly detailed attention to craftsmanship lends a magical couture air to every single item with the simplicity of the silhouettes allowing for multiple interpretations. Two identical pieces can be worn in radically different ways – with or without accessories, barefoot or with high-heels, enhanced with jewellery or just glowing skin – opening up a whole world of styling possibilities!

Le site de la marque :